UPDATE PLAN Adopted , Mayor and Council encourage your on-going comments NOW and into the FUTURE!
The City of Lula invites all interested persons to attend a public hearing concerning the development of the 2019 Comprehensive Plan. The Plan is required to comply with the Georgia Planning Act of 1989. The hearing is intended to inform the public about the purpose of the Plan and the planning process, to discuss the Plan development schedule, and provide an explanation of the public participation process to be followed by the City during the preparation of the Plan. Opportunity will also be provided for interested citizens to have input on local needs and issues. The public hearing will be held at the Lula City Hall on February 11th beginning at 5:00PM ending 5:45 PM. This public hearing is just prior to our regular council work session at 6:00PM, where we encourage your attendance as well.
The Mayor and the Council truly appreciate your participation in this public hearing, your involvement, views and thoughts help the city get a better view of opportunities important to the community as a whole. If you are unable to attend the public hearing please feel free to submit your comments in advance of the public hearing so they can be included in the information being collected.