Lula Work Session Agenda for Monday Jan 11, 6 PM
Agenda for Monday Jan. 11th, 2021
On-Line Meeting via Zoom, check back Monday at 5 PM for Zoom Meeting Link
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 0375 7267
Passcode: 733457
Opening / Welcome Mayor Grier
Pledge and Invocation
1. Citizen Comments
2. Minutes from previous(s) month(s) Regular Voting Council Session
3. Yard of the Month recipients /
4. Current Covid Conditions , Mayor Jim Grier
5. Finance Conditions/ Current
a. Check Signers
6. Water Sewer Current Conditions /
a. 365 Well / GEFA/ Bid/ Acquisition / EPD/Timeline
c. Oconee Water Line and Culvert Repair/ Bid Process
7. City Election 2021/Qualifying/ Fees / Districts
8. Railroad Days/ Entertainment/ One Day or Two-Day Event / to Park and Festival Committee for discussion.
9. The monthly Ladies Gathering for January is Canceled due to current Covid Conditions.
10. Planning Commission/ Status/ Overlay District Draft
11. Playground Equipment/ Installation/ Status .
12. Rescheduling MLK Holiday, Regular Monthly Council moved to Tuesday January 19th, 2021
Citizen Comments, The Council has always encouraged citizens to bring their comments and questions to the Council Meetings so we can be aware of your thoughts and be better able to represent you. During these challenging times, we have been forced to adapt some different technologies and procedures to be able to conduct the business of the City and still be mindful of the safety of our City staff and our citizens.
In these unique times we want to continue to seek participation from our citizens in a manner that will be both efficient and productive to the meeting process. However, the technology we are using to conduct our meetings makes it more difficult for us to have an open exchange or discussion such as we have had when we were in the Council Room together.
If you have a question or comment that you would like to be considered by the Council, please send an email now or during the meeting to councilmeetingquestions@cityoflula.com
Council Comments