The mayor and city council of the city of Lula invite all residents, business owners, churches, and organizations
to participate as we work together to support one of the greatest institutions in the greater North Georgia area:
Northeast Georgia Health System.
How can YOU help? The city is collecting cards of encouragement and snacks for care packages. Write a card
or personally deliver snacks to City Hall between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM Monday – Friday. Are you unable
to get outside but would still like to contribute? Links to lists of snacks have been created that can be ordered
online and delivered to City Hall. All deliveries need to be arranged during the same time frame listed above
and can be sent to 6055 Main Street, Lula, GA, 30554.
Funds to go towards snacks or cards can be sent to City Hall at P.O. Box 99, Lula, GA, 30554. For the links to
snack options, email or click below.
What can I do as a resident of Lula?
– Write a card or two of thanks for the medical staff at NGHS
– Donate funds to purchase snacks and goodies for care packages
– Deliver snacks to Lula City Hall during the hours of 9AM – 5PM, Monday-Friday
– Order snacks online, then send them directly to city hall at 6055 Main Street, Lula,
GA 30554
What can I do as a business or church?
– Business owners, pastors, staff members and other leaders can write
cards of thanks
– Donate funds to purchase snacks and goodies for care packages
– Allow your location to be a drop-off or holding location for others to bring
snacks and cards
– Deliver snacks to Lula City Hall during the hours of 9AM – 5PM,
– Order snacks online, then send them directly to city hall at 6055 Main Street, Lula, GA 30554