“Christmas in Lula”
Parade Sign Up and Booth Registration
Dear Business Owners, Church Groups, Organizations, General Public:
The City of Lula along with the Lula Belton Historical Society would like to invite you to be a part of the 2022 “Christmas in the Lula Celebration” on Saturday, December 3, 2022, at the Lula “DEPOT”. We would like to have as many businesses, churches and organizations represented as possible. This is a wonderful way for the community to give back and spread the cheer of the holiday season as everything during the event is FREE!
Once you decide to be a part of this celebration you can set up a table to give away snack foods, nonalcoholic drinks, trinkets, etc. “That is for you to decide” depending on your budget and time spent in preparation. The city of Lula will provide a table. You will need to provide your own canopy/tent if you desire one. The tables should be set up by 3:30 pm. The festivities will begin at 4:00 pm and will end at approximately 7:30-8:00pm. The parade will begin down Main St. at 6:00 p.m. You can anticipate about 400 visitors.
If you would like to you group to also be in the parade as well as booth space, we are enclosing applications for both vendor and/or parade. Please let us know if you want to be in one or both by contacting us (see contact names on applications) and sending in the application by November 18, 2022.
We had a wonderful celebrations in years past and want to thank all of you that participated and want to welcome all newcomers to the festivities. We have a delightful community, and this is a way for all of us to show our appreciation for each other. Thanking you in advance The City of Lula and the Lula Belton Historical Society. NO CHARGE for Booth Space
City of Lula
Christmas in the Lula
Vendor Application
Organization / Business Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person(s)name _________________________________ phone ________________________ email________________________________________________________________________________
Items you propose to handout ie: snacks, drinks, food, pamphlets, face painting etc.
The City of Lula will provide a table unless you prefer to provide your own. If you choose to use a canopy you must provide that yourself.
Please return vendor applications to City Hall
Parade Signup
Name ______________________________ Organization _______________________
Float , Car, Other Circle all that apply Parade Participants should be in line by 5 PM on Saturday