Volunteers Needed
Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update
The council needs to appoint at least 3 (up to 7) citizens to a steering committee in November, for a kick-off meeting to begin the process of creating a draft document for the Future Land Use Plan 2023 in Dec.
This is a great opportunity to engage in the future-plans for how the city might grow over the next 5 to 10 years. Over the course of the next 8 months the city will begin the process of creating a draft document for how, when and where the city might grow over the coming years. This is an important process which will shape funding and development for years to come!
To qualify you need to be a citizen of Lula, 18 years or older, be available for a monthly meeting (evenings, 2 hours long) for the next 8 months (beginning in December). If you would like your name to be considered by the council and want to see how the vision of your community’s future can be influenced, just fill the form out below for consideration and drop off at City Hall in the drop box. Appointments will be notified in mid -November .
Name ( Please print) __________________________________________
Address __________________________________________
Live within the City Limits Yes No
Over 18 years of Age Yes No
Email Address ________________________________
Cell Phone ________________________________
Occupation ________________________________