City of Lula
Notice of Sewer Spill / August 2nd, 2023
The City of Lula reported a sewage spill located in the forested area at 6150 Athens Street, from a main sewer transmission line which was identified Tuesday August 2 at around 10 AM, the blockage was removed approximately at noon. The location of the spill is off of a tributary of Hagen Creek drainage basin. The City of Lula has notified GA EPD and Hall County Health Department as required and has begun monitoring of the tributary for fecal content.
The apparent blockage was not associated with pipe failure and was likely due to discharge of foreign waste product creating the blockage. The area of the spill is being treated and will also be monitored for the immediate & future for conditions and analysis. Additional measures have been applied to flush the above transmission line for clearance of sediment or waste. Current evaluation of the flow and duration is underway of the spill but is estimated to be above 10,000 gallons. The property has been posted. For the spill location.
The City ask that customers be cautious of what materials are flushed or discharged into the waste (sewer) stream so to assist the city in avoiding such blockages in the future.