UPDATE PLAN ADOPTED, Thanks to all who participated! The mayor and Council want to encourage everyone to continue to share your thoughts and IDEAS ! Join us for one of our monthly meetings
Work Session, -6 PM Second Monday of the Month, Lula City Hall
Regular Council Meetings- 7 PM Third Monday of the Month, Lula City hall
The City is updating our Comprehensive Planning Document and a key factor when creating the document is to hear what the community thinks as to any number of issues. So here’s your chance to play a role in future development and guide the city in recognizing what you feel is important. The “Survey” will take all of 5 to 10 minutes of your time so copy or use the link below and GO FOR IT!
The Survey is also available at Lula City Hall, during regular office hours. This survey information does not require your name to complete, and will be available through Feb. 10th for submittal. Thank You in advance for your participation!
Join Us February 11th for the opportunity to have your additional comments heard at the Public Hearing on Monday at 5;00PM