Monday evening the Lula City Council agreed unanimously to award a paving contract to Square Deal Enterprises of Sautee Nacoochee. Square Deal was low bidder on the project but Lula City Manager Dennis Bergin says he is very comfortable with Square Deal’s ability to do the work as specified.
Bergin said portions of Athens, Spring and Toombs Streets would be resurfaced as part of the bid award.
Roadbed deterioration on Spring Street could drive the final cost for the city higher, so Bergin recommended a measure of flexibility on the agreed-to price. “We anticipate that number will move. Those that are familiar with the area, we’ve got an indention in the street out there where we have had road surface failure. We’ve noticed that over the last couple of years that continues to sink.”
Bergin said preliminary engineering tests were unable to positively determine the cause of the roadbed sinking; hence, the cost of repairs could rise. “It hasn’t happened overnight; it’s been gradual so we’re going to get it fixed once and for all.”
Bergin said he looks for work to begin in a couple of weeks and expects it to be finished within thirty days thereafter. He said work on Athens Street, between downtown and SR 365, will take the most time and will require lane closures.
He said work on Toombs Street will take only one day and work on Spring Street will depend on what is causing the roadbed to sink, as mentioned above.