City of Lula
Regular Monthly City Council Meeting /On- LINE via ZOOM / 7:00 PM
Posted for Monday, February 15th, 2021.
Join Zoom Meeting/ Click on Link Below
Meeting ID: 844 8801 1726
Passcode: 521086
Agenda for Monday Feb. 15th, 2021
Opening / Welcome Mayor Grier
Pledge and Invocation
Citizen Comments,
Minutes from previous(s) month Special Called Meeting Jan. 19th, 2021.
Yard of the Month recipients /
Finance Conditions/ Current,.
IT-Cyber Security addition Proposed $112 Month/ Schedule $1,344 annual / Joey Anderson /Vendor
Upcoming discussion on annual Liability Insurance renewal.
Water Sewer Current Conditions /
365 Well / GEFA/ Loan Documents Amended
Text Messaging Service Alerts/ Comparison Cost
Code Red$ $ 2,600 Annually
TEXT MY GOV $,2,400 Annually (yr. 1)
Oconee Water Line and Culvert Repair/ bid opening Feb 16th.
City Election 2021/Qualifying/ Fees / Districts / Resolution 021521-A
Pending Intergovernmental Agreement IGA Hall County Elections
Nomination for 1st Vice President GMA DISTRICT 2
City of Ethics Resolution 021521-B/ Adoption / submittal GMA
Zoning and Planning Committee
Potential Annexation and Rezoning 6467 County Line Process
Vape Shop amendment to zoning/ identifying districts/ location/ limitations. To Planning Commission
Proposed discussion for amendment addressing Breweries/ similar operations, identifying districts/ location/ limitations.
365 Overlay/ Gateway Corridor Ordinance- Independent Work Session (proposed for week of March 1st at the council direction)
“2021” Railroad Days, committee recommendation,
Friday Evening Activities (to be announced) April 30th/ @ the “Depot”.
Proposed entertainment fee
The “Depot” Community Center rentals canceled for February due to current conditions with pandemic.
March Schedule, council direction
Rental Discount Extension,
“Lula Cares” NGHS- North Georgia Health System “Initiative”
Community participation
Business participation
REMINDER “Lula Ladies” Gathering canceled for February due to Covid Conditions.
Human Resource Committee / Conference Call UGA Carl Vinson available week of Feb 22 or March first, committee direction
Street Committee, request to be heard for additional Driveway 5756 Athens St
Schedule Committee meeting Downtown Beautification and Redevelopment
Citizen Comments, The Council has always encouraged citizens to bring their comments and questions to the Council Meetings so we can be aware of your thoughts and be better able to represent you. During these challenging times, we have been forced to adapt some different technologies and procedures to be able to conduct the business of the City and still be mindful of the safety of our City staff and our citizens.
In these unique times we want to continue to seek participation from our citizens in a manner that will be both efficient and productive to the meeting process. However, the technology we are using to conduct our meetings makes it more difficult for us to have an open exchange or discussion such as we have had when we were in the Council Room together.
If you have a question or comment that you would like to be considered by the Council, please send an email now or during the meeting to
Council Comments