Welcome 2023 Candidates!
Thank you for your interest in Lula City Government. The City of Lula is governed by a Mayor and five Council members, who each run for a specific post but are elected by a City‐wide popular vote. City elections are nonpartisan, i.e. candidates do not run as members of a particular political party, and their individual party affiliations are not relevant to their positions in city government. Elected officials serve for terms of four (4) years and until their respective successors are elected and sworn in. These positions will expire 12/31/2027.
Please review the materials provided for qualifying to run for office in the November 7, 2023, General Election for District 1, District 4 and District 5.
The Mayor and City Council determine policies, enact legislation and provide political leadership in the community. Mayor and Council meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall and Mayor and Council Work Sessions are held the 2nd Monday of every month at
6:00 p.m. at City Hall.
As City Clerk of Lula, I am the “Qualifying Officer” for the city and will be the person to receive your Notice of Candidacy and Affidavit. Qualifying will be held here at Lula City Hall beginning Monday, August 21, 2023, at 8:30 am – Wednesday August 23, 2023, until 4:30 pm. The qualifying fee for Councilmember District 1, 4 and 5 is $100.00.
If you are new to municipal government, there is a publication that may be helpful to review, it is called the “Handbook for Georgia Mayors and Councilmembers” published by Betty J. Hudson and Paul T. Hardy in conjunction with the Carl Vinson Institute of Government which can be found by going to www.gmanet.com/handbook.aspx.
To be eligible to run for a City Council position, you must meet the following requirements on the date that you qualify:
- You must have been a resident of the city for at least one year prior to the date of the Election.
- You must be registered and qualified to vote in the municipal elections of the city.
- You must submit a Notice of Candidacy Application.
- You must submit a Declaration of Intention to collect campaign contributions.
You can pick up the 2023 General Election Qualifying Packet at Lula City Hall during regular business hours including all the forms mentioned below.
I hope you will find the following information useful. Please do not hesitate to call me with questions or email me at tangee.puckett@cityoflula.com. Thank you for your interest in the City of Lula.
Tangee (Puckett) Garner
City Clerk
PO Box 99
Lula, GA 30554 (P) 770-869-3801
Notice of Candidacy and Affidavit – Must be filed with qualifying fees no later than August 23, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. Return to City Clerk
Declaration of Intention to Collect Campaign Contributions – Must be filled out if you collect or if you spend ANY money (Including your own money). (Signs, flyers, etc) Return to City Clerk.
Campaign Contribution Report – See attached filing schedule (Depends on contribution/expenditures) Return to City Clerk (Not required if complete Affidavit of a Candidate’s Intent not to exceed $2,500 in contributions or expenditures.)
Campaign Contribution Disclosure Final Report & Termination – to be filed when no longer in office or if did not win seat. All contributions must be diminished in order to file this form. If not diminished continue filling out Campaign Contribution Reports on the designated dates. – This is due 10 days after close of campaign. Return to City Clerk
Affidavit of a Candidate’s Intent not to exceed $2,500 in contributions or expenditures. Return to City Clerk
Registration form for Campaign Committee for use by Candidate– Must be filled out if you have a campaign committee. – Mail to State Ethics Commission – Address on bottom of form
Choosing Option of Separate Accounting. Complete this form ONLY if contributions are to be collected for more than one election at a time – Mail to State Ethics Commission – Address on bottom of form
Two Day Report Due within two days of any contribution of $1,000 or more received between October 23, 2023, and Election Day – Return to City Clerk
If you have any questions on filling out forms, please contact the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission to assist you. By law, the Clerk is not authorized to write on your sheet except to stamp in the date received and notarize your signature.
Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday: 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Office: 404-463-1980
Toll-Free: 866-589-7327
Fax: 404-463-1988
E-mail: gaethics@ethics.ga.gov Website – http://ethics.ga.gov/
Newly Elected Officials Institute
A reminder as qualifying for municipal elections, state law (O.C.G.A. 36-45-1) requires all persons elected as members of a municipal governing authority who were not serving as members of a municipal governing authority on July 1, 1990 to attend and satisfactorily complete a training program specifically designed for newly elected municipal officials. The Georgia Municipal Association and the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government are pleased to provide this required training to Georgia’s newly elected municipal officials.
The 2024 Newly Elected Officials Institute classes have been scheduled for February 28 – March 1, 2024, at the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education and Hotel, Athens, GA.
Municipal elected officials that have served before and have been reelected are required to take the Newly Elected Officials Institute again only if they have been out of office for more than four years.
The Newly Elected Officials Institute provides an opportunity for mayors and councilmembers to increase their knowledge and understanding of city government, especially as it relates to the role and responsibility of the elected official. The training provides information designed to increase the awareness of the legal, financial and ethical responsibilities of city officials. Further, the course provides six hours of credit toward the voluntary training certificate program for municipal elected officials.
By completing and turning in the NOTICE OF CANDIDACY AFFIDAVIT you are registering to run for the City Council for the City of Lula. Please note that qualifying forms must be accompanied by the appropriate qualifying fee and can only be accepted during the qualifying period and must be done in person.
Council District 1 – $100.00 qualifying fee – currently held by Tony Cornett
Council District 4 – $100.00 qualifying fee – currently held by Garnett Smith
Council District 5 – $100.00 qualifying fee – currently vacant
Important dates to remember:
Monday, August 21 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Qualifying for Election
Tuesday, August 22 8:30 A.M to 4:30 P.M. Qualifying for Election
Wednesday, August 23 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Qualifying for Election
Tuesday, October 10 Last day to register to vote
Monday, October 16 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Start date for advance voting
Saturday, October 21 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Saturday voting
(East Hall Community Center)
Saturday, October 28 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. Saturday Voting
(East Hall Community Center)
Friday, November 3 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Final date for advance voting
Tuesday, November 7 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Election Day
Lula City Hall
6055 Main St., Lula, GA 30554
If you have any questions, please contact Tangee (Puckett) Garner, City of Lula City Clerk at
(770) 869-3801 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. or email address at tangee.puckett@cityoflula.com