Pay Utility Account Online – Lula, Georgia
City of Lula Utilities – Lula, Georgia Online utility account payment portal. The City offers a third party on-line vendor “n-Court” for your convenience for those who wish to make a payment on-line. What’s the login page for City of Lula, GA? Click below to Pay your City of Lula Utility bill powered by NCourt Account Online for Lula, Georgia, City of Lula, Utilities.
Make your City of Lula Utility Payment (Water, Sewer, Garbage) any time day or night.
You will need your City of Lula Utility customer number (on your bill)
You will need to know the amount of your City of Lula Utility bill
PLEASE NOTE the vendor charges a service fee of $4.95 per transaction HOWEVER…… the city is crediting the transaction fee for all on-line payments until the end of May. It’s easier than ever to make on-line payments and the city will even credit up to a dollar for money orders thru the same time period. Credit given once payment is received by the city.
They accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover
You can make payments on the Phone to nCourt @ (877) 685-4495
or On-Line by clicking here 
By Mail
You can also send your payment by MAIL to City of Lula, P.O. Box 99, Lula GA 30554
Be sure and include you account number on your check if paying by mail.
In- Person
Make you payments in-person at Lula City Hall, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8AM and 5PM, We except Cash, Check or Money Orders when making payments in person.
Remember your Payments are due upon receipt of your bill! If you payment is not received by the 15th of the month late charges will begin to be applied and maybe subject to disconnection without further notice.
Questions on your City of Lula Utility bill can be answered only by City of Lula, GA City Hall Customer Service and maybe reached during regular business hours, call 770-869-3801 or in person between the hours of 8AM till 5PM